A Few Garden Club Notes ~San Dieguito Garden Club Feb 2023 Talk
We met the following plants:
LEMON BALM Melissa officinalis
FRESH OR DRIED LEAF/infusion, tincture, glycerite, edible food (fresh)
NERVINE (mild sedative, antidepressant), DIGESTIVE, ANTISPASMODIC, ANTIVIRAL *avoid with hypothyroidism
INFUSION: Steep 2-3 tsp. dried leaf in 1 cup hot water for 15 min (up to 3x day)
TINCTURE OR GLYCERITE: ½ -1 tsp (up to 3x day)
GOTU KOLA Centella asiatica
FRESH OR DRIED AERIAL PARTS/infusion, tincture, glycerite, edible food (fresh)
BRAIN TONIC, STRENGTHENS VENOUS SYSTEM *caution with anti-anxiety, sedative Rx
INFUSION: Steep 1 tsp. dried leaf in 1 cup hot water for 15 min (up to 3x day)
TINCTURE OR GLYCERITE: ½ tsp (up to 3x day)
YERBA MANSA Anemopsis californica
FRESH ROOT/tincture
TINCTURE: ½ tsp (up to 3x day, but short term use)
WOOD BETONY Betonica officinalis is on your notecard from the meeting too but not discussed. This is a nervine, sedative, anodyne (pain reliever) best used as dried leaf in tea ( 1 tsp in 1 cup) or tincture (½ tsp up to 3 x day).
Additional reminders:
Get to know one plant at a time ~ grow it, taste it, study it ~ and form a connection with it.
Use the specific genus and species when working with plants medicinally. For example: Melissa officinalis, Centella asiatica, Anemopsis californica
Pearson’s Gardens & Herb Farm in Vista is an amazing local nursery for purchasing live plants.
Never wildcraft or ingest a plant you don’t know.
Remember higher alcohol levels (90%) or glycerine levels (100%) are needed for fresh plant extracts; less for dried plants. For more information (books and resources) in this area see “Where to Begin” in my Musings Blog.
Enjoy getting to know the plants! They belong to all of us.
In peace, Sally